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King Bansah and His Daughter + shorts

Agnes Lisa Wegner - Duitsland - 2021 - 106 min.

Eénmalige vertoning i.h.k.v. het Viewpoint Documentary Film Festival op zaterdag 23/04 om 20u00
Een ticket kost slechts 6 euro en omvat een gratis drankje in het Skoop Café.
Klik hier voor tickets: King Bansah and His Daughter + shorts

This Viewpoint Documentary Film Festival screening session features 3 films. All films are in English and/or have English subtitles.

Peter, Shirley And Louis (U.K.) by Lol Sargent
Peter, Shirley and Louis’ is one of a series of portraits of creative families. The film explores the traditional portraiture type pose through the medium of moving image to create cinematic portraits, at the intersection between photography and film.
Running time: 00:04:30.

Jade Helm (U.S.) by Debi Cornwall
Is the U.S. military planning to invade Texas and declare martial law? Headlines about the immersive realistic training exercises staged across the American Southwest in 2015 were expected to fade after a single news cycle. But in the Texas heartland a fearful backlash erupted, and the exercises, called “Jade Helm 15”, became a national story with a surprise ending that is still playing out today. How did this happen? Jade Helm is a found-footage documentary short asking what is real, what is fake, and what happens when our institutions fail to help us perceive the difference.
Running time: 00:14:45.

King Bansah and His Daughter (Germany) by Agnes Lisa Wegner
Céphas Bansah is from Ghana and lives in the German city of Ludwigshafen on the Rhine river. In Ghana, he is the king to over 200,000 members of the Ewe, in Ludwigshafen he runs a car shop. His daughter Katharina, whose mother is German, is an artist, feminist, free spirit – and a king’s daughter. Both of them feel that the social climate in Germany has changed. They experience racism and hostility. So for the first time after many years, Katharina accompanies her father to Ghana. She wants to find out which role her Ghanaian side is to play in her life – and whether or not she wants to succeed to the throne someday. A film about clichés and roles, expectations, boundaries, definitions of belonging – and challenging all of the above. A film about the search for an inner home.
Running time: 01:26:00.


Deel film

Algemeen tarief: 12,00 €
Reductietarief: 10,00 €
Studio Skoop Junior: 10,00 € (iedereen)
Mikro Skoop: 9,00 € (iedereen) / Korte film: 8,00 € (iedereen)

Onze reductieprijzen zijn geldig voor:
Kinderen tot 18 jaar / Studenten met een geldige studentenkaart / Werklozen op vertoon van werklozenkaart / Senioren 60+ / Mindervaliden.
Op maandag (behalve op feestdagen) komt iedereen binnen aan het reductietarief.

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